Friday, June 12, 2015

I’m a Loser - The Defeatist Attitude

I was having a discussion recently with a friend of mine who’s monetarily challenged (to say the least). He’s dead broke without a steady job. Of course his outlook on life is understandably sour.

I mentioned to him I’m currently reading a financial advice book by Tony Robbins and that it has some great advice. He also knows I’ve read books by Kevin O’Leary and Preet Banerjee on personal finance.

All these books are great in their own way and are definitely helpful in attaining a goal of financial independence. I told him he should take the time to read them.

His response was either, I know everything already, or, I don’t like Kevin O’Leary, so I’m not going to take his advice. Or he’ll say things like, why bother saving money? We could be hit by a bus tomorrow, so what’s the use?

That’s absolute nonsense. He’s either too proud to take advice or too lazy to bother reading these books. All the while he watches videos on his laptop for most of the day.

Not having a long term financial plan is a serious mistake many people make. It could mean the difference between having a roof over your head when you’re 85 or living on the street not knowing where your next meal will come from. And all because you were too proud or too lazy to even try - To try to save money; to try to invest wisely.

People spend ten of thousands of dollars and years of their lives on their education so they can earn a decent wage. Why not take a few more days/weeks to read a few books that could make an even greater difference on the quality of life in your golden years? Work smart, not hard.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

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