Sunday, July 22, 2012

Money = Happiness?

I recently watched a few episodes of show on TLC (The Learning Channel) about lottery winners (mostly based in the United States). It was pretty interesting.

One thing I learned is that if you win, say, $35 million, you don't actually get $35 million. They said something about if the winners wanted their money in a lump sum they received only about half of it (I'm not sure why).

As well, the government takes about a third of that amount in taxes so you end up with only about $11-$12 million. Not chump change, but far from what you would get had you won the lottery here in Canada (which is the entire amount).

The second thing I learned is that after you win you'll make a lot of new "friends"... who want your money. And if you're silly enough to give some to them that's the last you'll see of them (until they want more I suppose).

One winner had to move from the small town he grew up in because people were contantly harassing him. If he drove somewhere and parked his truck, upon his return he would find notes stuck to it from strangers asking for money to help them pay their bills or some other sob story.

Another self-described "redneck" woman took her children out of school because the other kids were picking on them after she won the lottery. Greaaaat... home schooled by someone who probably didn't complete high school. At least the kids had fun at "recess" riding around on their ATVs in the yard behind their newly expanded trailer.

For these so called "winners" winning meant isolation. Sure they had big homes and a lot of nice toys. But, they had to either move or close themselves off from many of the people they once knew because of it.

Other people were just plain dumb. One young, 19-year-old winner gave some of his winnings to his mother (which was nice) then moved out and bought a mansion in Florida. While there he "invested" in an all women's pro-wrestling league among other things.

After giving away at least a million dollars he smartened up and sold his place in Florida and moved back home with his mom and brothers. There he would have time to think about all the foolish things he had done.

Then there was this tragic story about an illiterate, Florida man who won about $30 million ($17 million after taxes).

A lot of people took advantage of him. Either he was just too kind or didn't know how to say, no. He gave a lot of people "loans" (which I'm sure they had no intention of paying back).

But his story really took a tragic turn when a stranger conned him into selling her his expensive, newly purchased home and took over all his finances under the pretense of being his advisor.

At one point he dropped out of sight not contacting anyone he knew for a few months. That is until, one day, his mother received a text from him saying, not to worry and that he was alright. Well, of course, that set off alarm bells as he was illiterate and couldn't read or write.

Long story short... authorities found his remains some time later buried in the woman's backyard. She was charged as an accessory after the fact to first-degree murder.

I'm not saying winning the lottery couldn't or wouldn't be great. But, it brings it's own set of problems along with it.

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