Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tobogganing with my Nephews

I took my nephews tobogganing last week. It took us 30 seconds to walk there. They have a golf course behind their house that has a wee hill that you can sled down. The workers there didn't mind that we used their course for an hour.

As you can see we don't have much snow yet in Toronto. There are patches of grass sticking up through the snow everywhere. Still it was good enough to pick up a little speed.

My nephews were playing a game where they would take wipeouts part way down the hill and I was supposed to take pictures of them. That didn't work out so well. Anyway, here's a shot of them actually on the sled.

We had a contest at the end where we tried to see who could go farthest down the hill. Since I weigh more than twice as much as the older one I thought I'd have gravity on my side. While that may have helped going down the hill. On the gradual slope near the bottom it worked against me. Too much friction. I came last. Oh the shame. Beaten by a 7 and 10-year-old.

Next year I'll work on losing 100 lbs and kick their butts!


  1. Just as a tip, for more hill locations in TO, you should check out TobogganHills.com , and if you know of some hills that aren't listed, it would be great if you could also add them.

    Thanks. :)

  2. Thanks a lot. That's handy information to know. The hills at the golf course near my sister's place aren't very good. But, they're convenient to get to. =)
