Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why I Support Rob Ford

It seems like our mayor, Rob Ford, has come under a lot of criticism as of late. Let's be honest, running a city isn't an easy job. Especially one as big as Toronto.

I must say, I have to support him for is trying being fiscally responsible. When tabling a budget people don't seem to realize money doesn't grow on trees. If Mr. Ford continued spending recklessly then we'd end up like many other failed economies around the world. Look at the turmoil in Greece for proof positive of that.

No one likes to see their programs being cut back. But, cuts have to come from somewhere. Some people will be affected negatively. There's no way around it. Things will be more difficult for some of us. But, that's true for a lot of people around the world today, not just Torontonians. I think it's a reality we're going to have to learn to live with for the time being.

One thing I applaud him for is for not bowing into the pressure of unions. They've had it good for far too long. Did you know the outside workers of the Toronto wanted guaranteed jobs for life? Well, they didn't get it. Sure they got a 6% wage increase over four years in the latest round of bargaining, but only employees with 15 years seniority or more would be guaranteed work if their jobs got contracted out. That's how out of touch unions are these days.

Bravo, Mr. Ford, for sticking up to your guns and looking out for the best interests of your constituents. You can count on me for continuing support.

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