Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Kakuro. No, it's not the name of some Japanese anime character. It's one of my new favorite games right behind Sudoku.

Like Sudoku it's a numbers puzzle. The object of the game is fairly simple. You have a board with squares that you have to fill in with numbers (in each row and column). The clues are written either above the column or to the left side of the row. They are the sum of all the boxes in said column or row. The trick is each square in a particular column or row must have a different digit (from 1 to 9).

There are varying degrees of difficulty (from 1 to 5) on the Metro Games website play on. When I first started I wasn't very good at all. I didn't even like playing. My sister is the one who convinced me to give it a shot. I got hooked because after finishing the Sudoku puzzle I was looking for something else to do. That and I found it fun.

It took me awhile, but after some time I started to improve. Now I can get through levels 1-3 without too much trouble. Level 4 and 5 are more difficult, but I can get solve them from time to time.

If you're ever bored and are looking for a challenge you might want to give it a try.

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