Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Car Runs into Building

We had an interesting visit to the boarding home this afternoon. Normally on our bi-weekly trips there we just bring a few snacks and hang out inside the common room at the front of the house with the residents and chat a bit. Today we decided to hold our first barbeque there.

Rodger and Kate brought the food and the barbeque to cook the food with. I forgot about the bbq, so I just brought the regular snacks I normally bring.

Just after 4:00 p.m. we set up in the parking lot in the back of the house. Rodger ran the barbeque and Kate helped serve the food. As usual, whenever people are preparing food, I just try to stay out of the way and not get into trouble.

I was talking with a few guys there when I thought I heard the sound or a car crashing into something. It wasn't really loud, but I was pretty sure I heard something. It sounded like it came from the underground parking at the apartment building next to the home. A few seconds later I heard another sound of metal crunching. It was odd. I looked over to the ramp coming out of the parking garage and a yellow Mini cruised up in 100% mint condition. So I thought I was imagining things.

Next thing you know there are sounds of sirens coming down the street. First it's a fire engine, then a bunch of police cars show up. Someone mentioned that somebody may have jumped off the balcony of the building. A bit later another resident says to go to the front of the building and have a look. There on the front lawn of the apartment building is a car that had driven through the lobby. It had back up to the place it sat currently (which is when I heard the second sounds).

One of the residents of the home we were visiting, Wayne, saw the whole thing. He was sitting in front of the house on one of the lawn chairs there just chilling. That's when the car went up the driveway in front of the building and didn't stop going right through the floor-to-ceiling window in the lobby.

Wayne said that one of the occupants of the car took off on foot. The other was apprehended by the police when they arrived.

Darn... I really need a camera on my cell phone.

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