Friday, March 11, 2016

It's all about Me

"It's all about me." - That's how I used to think. In the past. When I was young. And foolish.

I used to be selfish. I voted for Rob Ford because he promised low taxes and less waste. But the savings seemed to be on the backs of others (which I once was okay with). I used to think, let others fend for themselves. It's my money, I earned it.

Well, now, I think differently. I've come to realize how lucky I am. To have what I have and to live where I live. And, astonishingly enough, it had absolutely nothing to do with me. I just had the good fortune to be born here out of all the places in the world. A beautiful country with no internal strife, with universal healthcare... with basic equal rights and human rights.

I don't have to worry about bombs going off when I walk down the street. Or, if I get sick, I don't have to worry about ending up broke because of mounting hospital bills. Everyone gets basic education, not just boys. Men and women don't end up in jail because of who they love.

Many others around the world don't enjoy these freedoms. I can't say, close the borders to them, just because I am selfish. I'm glad our federal government is welcoming in thousands of Syrian refugees. I'm proud of Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government.

I'm proud of Kathleen Wynne and her provincial government. They're making college and university tuition free to low income families (who earn less than $50,000). I don't care if it costs me more in taxes. It's all about equality and fairness. It's time to break the cycle of poverty.

If I have to pay 4¢ more per litre in provincial carbon taxes for gasoline, so be it. It's not all about me any longer. It's about us. It's about our children and our children's children. It's about the future of the country and the planet we live in. Giving a little more to help everyone is not going to kill me (or, for that matter, you either).

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