Friday, February 14, 2014

OOTC - Dishwashing Crew v. 2014

This year's Out of the Cold program at Knox Church has been running since the beginning of November. Vicki and Bill have been heading it for at least 15 years now I believe. I've been coming for 7 or 8 years I'm guessing.

Over the years our dishwashing crew has evolved. When I first started it was with my CPC church friend, Fred. His friend, Lynn, was helping run it with Vicki.

This is the latest incarnation of our crew. Actually, most of the folks are returnees from last year. They're a great group. From left to right: Me, Sam, Young-Wha, Joe and Melinda.

We decided to pose with aprons on for this year's shot. There were only four black aprons, so we gave Joe a grey one.

Sam and Young-Wha started a couple of years ago I think. Joe started around 3 or 4 years ago. He's been a great help coming almost every single week.

Melinda first started volunteering around the same time as me. I had no idea she started back then. We never had much contact. Normally I would be stuck in the kitchen the whole night washing dishes. When Melinda started she was helping Bill with cutting/dying hair. She does a variety of things at the program. We both remember when they ran the 5-pin bowling in the basement. That was a long, long time ago.

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