Saturday, January 19, 2013

Preferential Treatment in the Military - Yes or No?

My friends and I were having a discussion over lunch last Sunday. It was about whether or not certain people should receive preferential over others in military service. We started talking about it because one of them mentioned that current pop sensation Psy was reprimanded for breaking some kind of dress code while serving in the Korean military.

My friends argued that everyone should receive equal treatment while serving in the military. Now, I'm sure some of you may find it strange (if you know me), that I'd be arguing for the other side. But, that's what happened.

While I believe in fair and equal treatment for people in most cases, I think that, in certain, rare circumstances, the rule should be broken to accommodate certain individuals who are more useful alive (as opposed to dead). This could be because they possess one-of-a-kind, intellectual capacity or could provide an unparalleled morale boost to either the general populace or men in uniform (like those entertainers who were sent overseas to entertain the troops in the second World War). I think there would have been a great outcry among the citizens of the U.S. if Elvis Presley were sent to battle and was killed in action for instance.

I also gave the example of if Prince Harry were put on the front lines of battle and happened to be killed. But, even he might not be of high enough standing in society to warrant preferential treatment. I probably should have mentioned someone like Prince William who's next in line for the throne. He shouldn't have to fight on the front lines. I believe if he were required to do so and happened to be killed irreparable damage may be done to the psyche of the Brits (to lose someone of his royal stature). I believe someone like him should be given preferential treatment over the common man.

Or course there will be the question of "where do you draw the line?" Who should receive preferential treatment and who shouldn't? That will be an intense debate to say the least (and one I don't have an answer to). It should be left to the people of whichever country it concerns. I just think it should be an option that's all.

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