Friday, January 11, 2013

In a Jam-ma at Kama

Kama is an Indian restaurant on King Street West (west of University Avenue). was offering buffet lunch and dinner vouchers for them a month or two ago. Since I like eating Indian food every now and then I bought a couple of lunch buffet vouchers (each good for two adults). They're valid until January 25th, 2013.

On Wednesday, January 2nd I asked one of my friends if she'd like to go on the weekend. She seemed pretty enthused about it. Neither of us had had East Indian food in awhile, so I think we were both looking forward to it.

Saturday (the 5th) rolls around and I give her a ring at about 11:00 a.m. She tells me she's under-the-weather and doesn't think she should go. She doesn't want to pass on her germs, she tells me. But, I'm persistent (I have to use up two vouchers in about three weeks after all), so she gives in.

We don't start driving down from my place until about 1:00 p.m. (or thereabouts). I'm a bit concerned that we might not have much time to eat so I ask her to call them and ask what their hours are (for lunch). It's at that time she's informed that, for the month of January, they're closed for lunch on the weekends.

Well, you can imagine my reaction. I wasn't too pleased to say the least. I supposed you could say we were lucky we didn't drive all the way downtown and pay for parking before we found this out, but I certainly didn't feel that way.

What kind of business would do something like that? Offer a lunch buffet voucher (that expires before the end of January) and then say, we're closed for lunch on the weekends for the month of January?

I suppose if you're not working and you have time to go down there during the week for lunch that's just great. But, if you're like most people and you have a 9 to 5 job during the week... well, you're up the creek without a paddle.

Fortunately for me (and even more fortunate for my sister), I found someone to give them to (her). She actually works across the street from the restaurant. I gave her the vouchers and told her to take one of her co-workers to lunch with her.

Still, I must say, the restaurant is pretty rotten for pulling a stunt like that.

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