An acquaintance of mine, James Michael Potter, passed away this past Saturday (June 12th). From all accounts it was supposed to be from complications due to his affliction with diabetes.
I knew James from volunteering together at the Out of the Cold program at Knox Presbyterian Church. We used to go there every Tuesday night through the winter to help underprivileged young people with a hot meal. I have to say, I never was that close to him. But, he would always offer a friendly smile whenever we crossed paths. He seemed like a really great guy, well liked by everybody.
It was such a shock to hear of his passing on Facebook. To me he seemed to be a picture of perfect health. And he was so young too. Only 33-years-old. It's so sad to be taken at such an early age. I know he will be missed by many. The Knox OOTC community is pretty tight. To his family and friends I send my most sincere condolences.
On behalf of James Michaels family. Thankyou so much. And may we return those condolences to a member of his 'other' family. We have heard so many wonderful things. It is always good to hear more. Thanks
ReplyDeleteJames "Michael"s aunt Debbie
Thanks so much for writing this article, it is really great to hear all these good things about are son, James Michael. A lot of his friends in "the family of TO" are hurting as much as his own personal family, the grief is so strong as it was such a sudden death and we are still waiting on answers from the coroner's office as soon as I have them I will make an announcement on Facebook and My Yearbook, (these were his favourite social places) as to the why? Regards to all his Mum.....Janice Potter (castelgsy@rogers.com)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Aunt Debbie and Mrs. Potter (Mum). From the turnout at his memorial at Cherry Beach on Friday there's no doubt James was a really popular guy who will be dearly missed.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I couldn't make the funeral on Monday. I hope you're all doing well.
Take care - Jeff
im sorry i didnt make it either and my most sincerest condolescenes to his family both street and personal family i wish to let them all know we all believe in some higher power whether it be wicca catholic christian or just believe in fate we all know he is watching us from somewhere and he will always be in our heart and mind thank you to all the people i have met over the years through james im glad for the memories and i will hold them dear to me though some people may only see me as an ex james and i were friends first and foremost he was my friend and i cared deeply for him and im sorry that i didnt make the memorial or the funeral but death is a real hard topic for me to deal with and when im in a crowd i get frightened so i chose to remain with my personal family so i could deal with this myself but i know how much he meant to alot of people especially his parents mr and mrs potter he adored you he always talked very highly of you and his sister and im sorry that he was taken from you so fast no parent should have to put their child to rest we all know life is too short james taught me to seize every moment of our lives no matter how small or how big they are again my most sincerest condolensces to the family
ReplyDeleteThank you Friend ... You had the fortune to have James in your life too. He was one of my little brother's on the street and he proved to be the most forgiving, giving, and never said sorry but always made true amends... I miss him terribly but have fond memories to guide me through... as one of the founding forfather's of "THE FAMILY" I am overjoyed and proud that he was part of my life... Thank you for your kind words. To both of his families which I consider one...those words touch deeply... Cameron A.K.A. LIL Draven