Bleah. Rain, rain go away.
We've had some pretty miserable weather lately. Rain, rain, rain. And cold too. It's good for the grass and other plant life (the rain that is). But, not so good for the spirit as far as I'm concerned (neither the rain nor the cold). The rain doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon either. It's supposed to rain part of the day tomorrow (Wednesday), and Thursday and Friday. We'll have a short respite over the weekend then it's back again at the beginning of next week. I suppose we should be happy that the weekend looks relatively dry. But, in my case every day is the weekend (being ungainfully unemployed) so it doesn't really make a difference to me.
I suppose we've been spoiled with all the good weather we've been lucky enough to have. Now when inclement weather comes we're just befuddled. We haven't seen it in such a long time we don't know how to react. I guess Mother Nature is getting us back for giving us a mild winter. I have to say, that's not very nice of her. Too bad, so sad.
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