Friday, February 12, 2010

The Reluctant Traveler

I believe my friend who I'll call, Sam, is a reluctant traveler in this journey we call life. Sam will stand at the shore staring out to sea and wonder what's beyond the horizon. There's a boat tied to the dock beside him, but he'll be too scared to get in and unfurl the sails because he's afraid that it might sink. Yes, the possibility, however slim it may be, is very real that a storm may come and capsize your boat and you may and drown. You can't fool yourself into believing it won't happen. As well, you may also get seasick and feel terrible nausea at many points along the way. This is a very real possibility too. But, what's worse? Worrying about the possibility of something bad happening and not taking the chance of finding true happiness? Are you so afraid of your own shadow that you're not willing to step into the sunlight? To experience the warmth and the joy that it brings? There is no question about what you must do. Beyond the horizon lays a world of wonders. You know it's true. Countless friends who've returned from that journey have told you so.

So climb aboard, my friend. Getting left behind while the world sails onward is not an option. Don't rely on secondhand information about what's out there. Go and experience it for yourself. It's a decision you'll never regret, I promise you.

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