Jenn and Darlene came out as usual, but Joe couldn't make it. Instead his wife Patricia came out. It's the first time I've gone out with her. She's been doing it for 13 years though.
We started off in the back parking lot south of Knox church at 7:00 p.m. like we normally do. Since we had four leaders we decided to do four slightly different routes. Jenn went down Spadina and across Queen. I went down Spadina and across Dundas. I was going to go directly to City Hall then head over to the park at Metropolitan United Church (beside St. Michael's Hospital). Patricia and Darlene would head east on College. One would go to Allan Gardens and the other to Seaton House.
I started off first with my group. We walked down Spadina to College. Along the way we saw a couple of guys out in front of The Scott Mission. Even though that was officially Jenn's route I thought we should offer the guys bag lunches instead of passing them by. When we got to College my group crossed over to the east side of Spadina while Jenn's group stayed on the west side.
The trouble began when we got to the LCBO at Baldwin and Spadina. I noticed two fellows who looked like they might be in need of a bag lunch. They were arguing though, so I thought it best not let any of the youths approach them so as not to put them in harm's way.
As we passed by things escalated and one fellow smashed a bottle of wine over the head of the other guy. Now this wasn't some pretend candy or sugar glass they use in TV shows or movies. This was a real, heavy, full bottle of wine. It shattered over the victim's head and he fell back onto the ground. As he lie on the street face up and seemingly unconscious, the fellow who hit him over the head wound up and gave him a hard kick to the side of the head. At that point I figured I'd better go over and stop it right there.
I walked over quickly and yelled at the guy as he stood over the other fellow. The attacker was a fairly big guy. About the same height as me, but built a little more thickly. If we were to get into a physical confrontation I'm not sure what would have happened. I was a bit concerned about that.
Anyway, I told him to stop it because I'm pretty sure he wanted to deliver another kick to the guy's head as he lie there. He was angry and said something about the other fellow pulling a knife on him and added they were cousins. I'm not sure what I said next, but it was probably something about the guy needing medical attention.
So the bad cousin scooped his injured victim up and said he would take him to the hospital. The injured fellow was in a semi-conscious state now and stumbled along with the support of his cousin. I was surprised he was able to move at all. From the beating he took I really didn't think he'd regain semi-consciousness that quickly.
Anyway, I sure hope they made it to hospital. The one fellow was a real mess. The back of his head was all bloodied up from the attack, not to mention the blood that was left on the road (from his head).
...And that's how our evening started.